Friday, December 17, 2010


I wanted to show everyone what I have done on my scarf that I have started. This is the first time I have knit anything. Thanks again to Jennifer who taught me. This yarn is grey and black.

It is so soft, I'm really excited about it. I'm off to stitch for a bit, I just got off of work and I think I will work on Bent Creek, Christmas Mantle while I watch Survivor (DVR'd it).



Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Great start on the scarf! I am a Survivor watchet, too! I couldn't believe the tribal council outcome. Some of the folks are not too bright!

Have a great week, Candi!

carol fun said...

The scarf is looking great - this is a good beginner project. Hope you enjoy knitting as much as other crafty pursuits - I know I do ! LOL