I went to work for a total of two days this past week. While I should have been doing school work, cleaning, or something more productive. I decided to stare out the window looking for snowflakes. After Wednesday I didn't have to look for flakes anymore, the ground was covered! I seen a cartoon/ comic strip that had four cars at an intersection stopped and one man on top of his car pointing at one snowflake that had fallen, yelling look a snowflake! That would be me. I am a little obsessed with snow, I feel that if it has to be this cold it might as well snow.
Other then staring out the window, I decided to shovel some snow from the steps and ride around with my hubby looking at the beautiful scenery. While I was so excited about the snow, it still caused one problem... hubby had to stay home from work because our restaurant was closed due to the weather. I love spending time with him but I would rather stitch and watch my shows that I like. I also like to do things at my own pace. Like making lunch, Hubby... Candi let's eat lunch. Me... I am not hungry right yet. Hubby... Fine I will starve to death! Sometimes I feel like I have a child to take care of. Who pouts over lunch? Anyway, tomorrow I have to go back to work. I should be fine with going back to work since I only worked two days out of nine, but I have a case of workitis. Workitis- feeling of impending doom when going to work.
On the stitching front, I have decided to work on a range of things. I work on a piece and when I get tired of working on that one, I reach in my bag and grab another piece to work on. Today I have two amazing pieces to show. The picture below is Quaker Diamonds by Rosewood Manor. I enjoy working on this piece. The threads are Valdani and really great to work with.
The next pice is Drawn Thread's ABC Sampler. This piece is very special to me, it is probably my favorite thing to work on recently. It is absolutely beautiful and is stitched using silks. Sorry for the pictures, next time I will iron them. My dinner has cut into the production of beautiful ironed pictures.
Well I am off to stitch while pouting about working tomorrow. Maybe I will stare out the window to see a snowflake but I don't forsee that happening. :( I hope everyone has a great week and doesn't catch workitis from this post.
1 week ago