Friday, June 15, 2012

Stitch Day

First I would like to say, it is officially summer time and I am off! I still have to work at the restaurant but at least I have my days free to cross stitch and go to the beach. Today is a cross stitch day!
I have a lot to show...
First up is Hands to work, Hearts to god by Jackie Du Plessis. This is my class piece (2 pictures) I got permission! :) There are three more pieces to come, two are in the workings.

Next up is Beauty is in the Eye of the Bee Holder. This piece is finished but I'm waiting on the bee buttons and then it is off to the framer!
 Last is my start which is Casting a Spell by Blackbird designs.
Now I'm off to work on Casting a spell for a while.

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